Improving Quality of Life


As a dedicated educator committed to teaching your students fundamental money principles that are key to their success, This Money Thing is designed in a simple to use way, complete with a Teacher’s Guide. For parents wanting to prepare your teen-age child for a financially healthy and independent future, This Money Thing is a must.

Years of teaching, testing, and training key, powerful principles of personal money management have gone into the creation of This Money Thing. Students that choose to apply the principles taught can experience lasting, life-changing personal benefits. As they engage in the content, they will develop important skills that will enable them to make wise choices with their money and avoid financial pitfalls. These skills can dramatically impact their post-secondary experience and beyond, positioning them to make meaningful contribution to their homes, schools, and communities.

Thank you for your commitment to the young people of our society. Positioning the future generation of leaders to be financially free, independent, and successful is not just important… it is critical for them as well as for society.

The 4 Laws of Financial Prosperity book is a fantastic companion to your teaching because it presents money in a real-life situation through an easy-to-read story, enabling students to grasp how money applies to everyday life. In the lessons taught through This Money Thing curriculum, the 4 Laws principles are introduced and students apply them through various activities and assignments, so using the 4 Laws book as a companion guide is a natural fit to enhancing the learning experience.

Order This Money Thing and The 4 Laws of Financial Prosperity book today for your students, children, and grandchildren.

“I was first introduced to the 4 Laws book as a gift at an educational conference. I took it and put it on a shelf in my classroom and there it stayed for about a year until I went to the same conference again the next year and I looked in my swag bag and I saw another 4 Laws book. But this time I was with other teachers who I respected highly who teach the same subject I teach, and they were commenting on how the book was so good and practical. So I bit the bullet and I read the book. As I read it the thought kept coming to my mind: ‘This is my class in 4 Laws.’ I recognized that this little 100-page novel was teaching my semester class.”

“I have had my students reading the 4 Laws book now for 6 years and I have had several parents read it also. Some have even purchased the book for all their married children. I now have enough 4 Laws books to have all of my classes reading it at the same time. Since Covid-19 came around I have put quizzes online that go along with the book. The new curriculum, This Money Thing, is a fantastic offering for teaching financial literacy and is built on the 4 Laws foundation. It has a learning guide for students and a teacher’s guide to direct learning activities. I am very grateful I bit the bullet years ago and now I have a great resource for my Financial Literacy classes.”

George Durfee, Pleasant Grove High School, Pleasant Grove Utah


For schools interested in learning more on how you can have these important teaching tools in your school, please complete the Contact Us form and an education specialist will contact you.

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